Let’s move our district forward through kindness and justice for all of us!
Examples of the policies I am developing, and the bills and issues that I will advocate for:


“Nothing about us without us.”

  • Equal protections from physical harm (H.180). Opposed to S.2785, which would take away rights.

  • A Deaf Children’s Bill of Rights (H.126 ).

  • Remove offensive language from the MA General Laws regarding disabilities (H.4396).

  • Informed Consent for Applied Behavioral Analysis (mandating sharing the risks of ABA).

  • Supportive decision making as an alternative to guardianship (S.109 / (H.1485).


Advocate for access and safety:

  • Full restoration of service for the 55 bus. Increased funding for "The Ride".

  • Increase funding for infrastructure and repairs.

  • Have T Police more visible and accessible for rider safety.

  • Provide electric charging stations at MBTA locations; subsidies for electric bikes.

  • Access to elevators, and ramps at all stations; same level boarding on buses, and trains.


Prioritize Homes:

  • Support rent control, the real estate transfer fee and taxing units that are not occupied.

  • Keep affordable units in the same neighborhoods as new builds.

  • Support zoning for multi unit housing and accessory dwelling units.

  • Diversify housing options including tiny homes, rooming houses, live/work spaces, family sized units and co-operatives (H.2290).



  • Support healthcare as a right in a single payer model including dental care.

  • Develop a MassHealth plan for those with variable incomes / part-time hours (including creatives).

  • End health disparities and lack of access, based on bias and discrimination.

  • Harm reduction policies for substance abuse, and safety for medical care workers.

  • Provide all public school students with inclusive, and comprehensive sexual health education (H.544 / S.268).


Supporting Public Schools:

  • Provide an inclusion K-6 school and reduce transportation times in our district.

  • Support the BPS Reimagine School Funding Steering Committee recommendations.

  • Support native language instruction and a two teacher inclusion model.

  • Support alternatives to behaviorist interventions.

  • Provide alternatives to MCAS requirement for graduation (H.495 / S.246).

  • Provide equity to building construction (H.441 / S.2659).


Fairness and Protections:

  • Invest in restorative justice practices and student supports, and remove police in the Boston Public Schools (BPS).

  • A moratorium on building new prisons for 5 years (S.1979).

  • Restructure the juvenile justice system to support students up the age of 20 (H.1710 / S.942).

  • Ban the sale of cell phone location info to protect privacy and personal safety (H.357).

  • End discrimination against adults with disabilities in family and juvenile court proceedings (H.2670).


Fair Wages and Benefits:

  • Increase the minimum wage (H.1925 / S.1200) and pay for tipped workers.

  • Access to early education/child care that is affordable.

  • Access for part-time workers to the pension fund for state workers. This could help build wealth for disabled people, caregivers, seniors and low wage workers.


Accountability and Transparency:

  • Support a fully elected Boston School Committee.

  • Support the Sunlight Act (S.1963) for state legislators to be more accountable and transparent.

  • Keep municipal meetings accessible including with virtual options.

  • Closed Captioning in all public spaces (Bill S.63).

  • State PILOT (payments in lieu of taxation) reform. (S.1836)


Saving our future:

  • No New Fossil Fuel infrastructure. A moratorium on new gas expansion (H.3237 / S.2135) and new airports and airport expansions.

  • Siting reform, to ensure energy facilities address environmental justice, climate and public health (H.3187 / S.2113)

  • Increase funding for green infrastructure projects and job creation.